Monday, September 10, 2012

Day One

OK, so apparently I am supposed to write a blog to aid my weight loss and if you are reading this you are either my friend and know I am crazy or you are not my friend and you are about to learn that I am indeed crazy :-)

Although this post is titled day one, it is indeed day three because I stupidly started this diet on a FRIDAY!!!! who the hell does such a stupid thing???????  So day three aka day one....yes you can expect more of this logic as I go!

So my aim is to loose 100lbs (this is alot I know!) I am doing it for health reason, because realistically I  am cute at any size! Got this damn fully body sensor and it has been very mean to me and told me lots of numbers I don't like like a bmi of 47 bleurgh..although I have decided to ignore this figure as it makes me unhappy and look at the visceral fat figure of 10 which is high but just on the border of normal (<9 is normal)....not quite sure what it means but hey it's normal right!?!?!

The next thing this "How to improve your weight loss by blogging" thing says is apparently I am meant to talk about me so yay my fave topic because I am bloody AWESOME!

My name is Emma, I am 35 years old and I am a lovable Leo (wow this sounds like a lonely hearts ad, should I add breast size etc and post on if you read this and post on craigslist in the dating section please stop reading as your pictures upset my sensibilities.  2.4 kids, 1 husband, 3 cats (yes crazy cat lady) 3 dogs, 1 horse, 1 turtle!  Likes....horses, crafts, eating (hence weight problem) reading and all the other things people usually put in these things!  Dislikes.....Ants, the fly that is buzzing around my head and refuses to be killed by any form of spray, Cinnamon (I think it is on a phobic level....the nuts in the mall make me want to vomit!), sweetcorn (see Cinnamon) people who don't say please and thank you....I think I should be allowed to shoot them, but Chris says that might be a tad unreasonable!!!!!  I have many other dislikes but these seem to be enough for now!

What I want out of life?  1, for this damn fly to die.  2, another kitten, , 3, to be either 5ft7 or 125lbs I firmly believe I was meant to be one of these and a mistake was made in the genes.  4, snow this winter....I want to fit into my ski clothes.  5, to find a cleaning fairy without having someone judge my mess!  6, the Barbie house I never got as a kid....this is a constant source of contention between my mother and I and I believe has mentally scarred me.....all I bloody wanted was the dolls house my cousin wanted but noooooooooooooooooooo  I have pointed this out to my mother who think I am crazy (as will anyone reading this...because lets be honest it is a weird thing for a 35 year old to be upset about, which just shows you how uneventful my life is) 7, to be a secret agent (one has to have dreams!)

Oooopppps so my weight loss, I  have been a good girl today....took stuff into school for my kids classrooms, aided my friends diet coke addiction by bring her a large diet coke (I can be nice sometimes) went horse riding (see boring life)

Not sure I like blogging....hmmmmm lets see!


  1. Just worked out that livestrong is taunting me by putting what I eat on my facebook....bad back in your basket!

  2. Why thank you my dear friend xxxxx
